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In SEO Pro Responsive Blogger Template - Responsive Blogger Template

In SEO Pro Responsive Blogger Template

In SEO Pro Responsive Blogger Template
Following is the template In SEO Pro Responsive Blogger Template , this template is the premium version of the In SEO template that I shared yesterday in STRESSTHINKING.BLOGSPOT.COM -  . In addition to the addition of more interesting features from the free version, there are also several style options available in this version: Grid style, List style, simple version, and safelink version.
There are also many choices, for those who are curious, let's look at the features below and the live demo blog in the sidebar of this blog.

In SEO Pro Responsive Blogger Template

Features Availability
Responsive True Cek
Mobile Friendly True Cek
Google PageSpeed Insights True Cek
Google Testing Tools : Index True Cek
Google Testing Tools : Item True Cek
SEO Friendly True
Personal Blog True
2 Column True
Style Option : Grid, List, Read, and Simple True
Featured Post Widget True
Recommended Post Widget True
Recent Post by Label Widget True
Breadcrumbs True
Related Posts with Thumb True
Search Box True
Social Share Button True
Newsletter Widget True
Shortcodes True
Well Documentation True

Live Preview
See it live with all the features that exist, both on the homepage and the page posts.
Download Safelink1
Download Safelink2
Remove Footer Credits
For Unlimited Domains
No Encrypted Scripts
And Many More...

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