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Up Template Safelink Kompi versi 4 - Responsive Blogger Template

Up Template Safelink Kompi versi 4

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1. Langkah Pertama
cari kode berikut yg di atas </head>

function generate(){var e=document.getElementById("download"),n=document.getElementById("download2"),t=document.getElementById("btn"),l=document.getElementById("daplong"),d=(document.getElementById("download").href,6),a=document.createElement("span");e.parentNode.replaceChild(a,e);var o;o=setInterval(function(){d--,0>d?(a.parentNode.replaceChild(e,a),clearInterval(o),l.style.display="none",e.style.display="inline",n.style.display="inline"):(a.innerHTML="<h3 class='text-danger'>Link will appear in "+d.toString()+" Second</h3>",t.style.display="none")},550)}

Lalu ganti dg kode ini
function generate() {
var n = document.getElementById("download2"),
t = document.getElementById("btn"),
l = document.getElementById("daplong"),
d = (document.getElementById("download2").href, 6),
a = document.createElement("span");
n.parentNode.replaceChild(a, n);
var o;
o = setInterval(function() {
d--, 0 > d ? (a.parentNode.replaceChild(n, a), clearInterval(o), l.style.display = "none", n.style.display = "inline") : (a.innerHTML = "<h3 class='text-warning'>Link will appear in " + d.toString() + " Second</h3>", t.style.display = "none")
}, 510)
function clickshow() {
var e = document.getElementById("download"),
b = document.getElementById("download3"),
t = document.getElementById("btn"),
d = (document.getElementById("download").href, 11),
a = document.createElement("span");
e.parentNode.replaceChild(a, e);
var o;
o = setInterval(function() {
d--, 0 > d ? (a.parentNode.replaceChild(e, a), clearInterval(o), e.style.display = "inline", b.style.display = "inline") : (a.innerHTML = "<h3 class='text-danger'>Link will appear in " + d.toString() + " Second</h3>", t.style.display = "none")
}, 1010)

function jump(h){
var top = document.getElementById(h).offsetTop;
window.scrollTo(0, top);
2. Langkah Kedua
cari kode seperti ini
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(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
<p>Scroll to see download link!</p>

Lalu ganti dg ini
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<div class='container'>
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<b:if cond='data:blog.isMobileRequest == &quot;true&quot;'>
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<ins class='adsbygoogle' data-ad-client='ca-pub-2134432836518871' data-ad-format='rectangle' data-ad-slot='2825201017' data-full-width-responsive='true' style='display:block;height:100px;'/>
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
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<p class='text-warning'>Encrypting your link and protect the link from viruses, malware, thief, etc! Made your link safe to visit.</p>
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<button class='btn btn-success' id='download2' onclick='jump(&quot;btn-down&quot;);clickshow()' style='display:none'><strong>Klik di sini untuk Generate Link</strong></button>
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(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});


3. Langkah Ketiga
Edit semua postingan, pindahkan bagian area iklan dan tombol ke tengah postingan (sekarang kan posisinya agak atas, jadi pindahkan agak ke bawah)
Lalu tambahkan kode ini
<div id="btn-down"></div>
<br />

simpan di atas kode <div class="container">
Lalu hapus kode ini
          <p class="text-primary margin-bottom-20">Encrypting your link and protect the link from viruses, malware, thief, etc! Made your link safe to visit.</p>
<div class="progress" id="daplong">
<progress class="progress progress-striped progress-info progress-animated" value="0" max="100" data-percentage="100"></progress>

Dan ganti kode id="download2" menjadi id="download3"
Kemudian tambahkan 1 unit iklan lagi di bagian bawah kode kotak iklan tersebut, pisahkan dg 1 paragraf tulisan.


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