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Safelink Bootstrap v2.0 - Responsive Blogger Template

Safelink Bootstrap v2.0


New Safelink Bootstrap 2 Three styles color . This time Metaltailac.co shared the template for the ads money maker google .. hehehe ... ok ok right then ..
Safelink template New Safelink Bootstrap 2 Three color styles is very easy to use do not need to install Edit Html just replace the template install auto script on the main blog already
It has been randomly posted, the one that is ok is the link mode_blank, so the opportunity to suck the money is the father of Google The more ok ...
Besides that this template is very responsive super fast loadding
To install the ad code, just edit it on the Layout / Layouts menu.
This template is available in 3 colors, namely. Blue, Green, and Blue Green

For those of you who are curious, just check the Feature
Bootstrap 4True
Fast Load (A|A GTMetrix and Pagespeed Insight)True
Support All DeviceTrue
Top Menu NavigationTrue
Random PostTrue
Auto SafelinkTrue
Anti AdblockTrue
Support HTTPSTrue
Anti Bom ClickTrue
And Much More...-

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