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How to Change Nofollow Blogs to Become Dofollow - Responsive Blogger Template

How to Change Nofollow Blogs to Become Dofollow

How to Change Nofollow Blogs to Become Dofollow
How to Change Nofollow Blogs to Dofollow - For some reason you want to replace all links on your blog to Dofollow, for that please follow the simple trick below.

First Login to your Blogger Account

Then click Template> Edit HTML. 

Please search (Press CTRL + F to make it easier to search for the Code) the following code:

<a expr:href='data:backlink.url' rel='nofollow'>

Then you have to delete all attributes of rel = 'nofollow' in the markup below:

<a expr:href='data:backlink.url' rel='nofollow'>

So if the code is deleted, the code will become like this

<a expr:href='data:backlink.url'>

Then click Save Template, finished. 

Well, that's the way to change Nofollow blogs to Dofollow , although it's quite simple. Hopefully it can be useful for all friends, thank you.

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